
me with painting

zoë brady

Zoë Jane Brady is a multi-disciplinary artist living and working in Los Angeles, California. She completed her undergraduate studies at St. Johns College in New Mexico and has a certificate in Landscape Architecture from UC Berkeley.

‘My work is made as an attempt to find the core feeling of things; whether that be a moment of time, a chuckle surfacing on a face, a flower drooping in the sun, or a wave reaching its crest.

I want to capture those small feelings that are evoked by the beauty of nature, by humanness and love and friendship and family, as well as those feelings which often come after or before or simultaneously— those of grief, of anger, of fear, and again, of humanness.

I have an instinct that the way something makes us feel is contained within that thing— that emotion is contained in the other and released upon recognition.’

Her works have been shown at

SITE Santa Fe, The Woodmere Art Museum,

and The Wharton Esherick Museum. She was awarded the William S. Baird Prize for artistic excellence in 2022.